About Us


Working Toward Mental Health Recovery & Wellness

The Depression Connection for Recovery (a non-profit) was created in 2000. It began with the mental health diagnosis of Bipolar for retired Methodist Minister Tony Campbell. As Tony began his journey towards recovery with his diagnosis, he found there were no depression support groups in Tarrant County. Tony began to find so many others who were also struggling with depression and anxiety that could use group support to Aid in their Recovery and Wellness. With colleagues, and friends, and other health professionals, he put together a team to lead support groups in Fort Worth and Tarrant County.

This team today consists of the Executive Director, Administrative staff, Recovery Support Leaders, and a Board of Directors.

“I Don’t Understand Tony Anymore.”

These were the words of Texas Supreme Court Judge Robert Maurice Campbell in 1978. Judge Campbell had the intellect, education, experience, and wisdom to give him a superior understanding of anything that came before him. In this case, his superior understanding concluded that he did not understand. How do you think I felt upon learning that my brother had made this statement shortly after he delivered me from the hospital where I had received psychiatric treatment?

Actually, it was the most comforting statement I had heard. It stands to this day as the most profound insight regarding the life of people who, like me, live with conditions called depression or any other mental illness.

My brother Maurice and I had developed love, understanding, and empathy during a lifetime together. Somehow he now realized what I already knew. While we had much in common, I was living in a realm where he and I had not walked together. Much of me was coming from where he had not been and neither of us understood it. There were experiences and feelings about which brothers Maurice and Tony could not communicate.

There are real reasons why one does not understand. First, the personal experiences of those who live with normal health do not lead to an understanding of those who live with abnormal health. Secondly, many of the ideas that are passed along in our society are false, misleading, and dangerous.

Very importantly, this realization should cause all of us to seek out professional help when we are dealing with serious mental health issues. I am fortunate to have an immediate and extended family who know that understanding and caring do not have to be delivered in the same package. Their caring both preceded and exceeded their understanding. Subsequently, time, experience, and study provided the knowledge they needed.

Depression Connection for Recovery